A Here’s a letter for you. 這兒有你的一封信。
B Let me see it. 讓我看看。
A Who’s the letter from? 誰寄來的信?
B It’s a letter from UCLA about my acceptance. 是來自UCLA的錄取通知。
A Read it! 讀的看看!
B UCLA accepted me! UCLA錄取我了!
A Really? 真的嗎?
B I’m not joking. I got accepted! 我沒有開玩笑,我被錄取了!
A I’m so happy for you! 我真為你高興!
B UCLA was my second choice, but I’m happy knowing I’ve been accepted. UCLA是我的第二選擇,但是我很高興被錄取了。
A I am really proud of you. 我為你感到驕傲。
B You have no idea how proud I am of myself. 你不知道我有多為自己驕傲。