A:I found it at a garage sale once.有一次我在一個車庫拍賣找到的.
B:What a find! So, how much does it cost?真是挖到寶了!那你要賣多少﹖
A:Well, because I like you... ninety bucks.嗯。因為我跟你投緣……九十元好了。
B:Ninety dollars is pretty steep. I'll take it for sixty bucks.九十元太貴了。我出六十元。
A:Sixty bucks? No-can-do, son. You'll be lucky if I go down to eighty-five.六十元﹖不行,年輕人。我降到八十五元你就要偷笑了。
B:Eighty-five? That's the best you can do? I'll come back later...八十五元﹖你只能降這么多嗎﹖我待會再來……