Ask & Learn聞問切英語口語:she should have dieds
1. 讀者Jerry Chanson想知道在It's so unfair that she should have died so young一句,為什么she后面用have而不是has。
2. 另外,Teddy問下面句子的動(dòng)詞,應(yīng)該是buy 還是bought:
Until the end consumers bought /buy (?) the products, no one in the supply chain has actually sold.
1. Should像其他的auxiliary verb(助動(dòng)詞,如must、would、may、can 等),后面的動(dòng)詞都是verb infinitive,盡管主詞是單數(shù)。因此,Jerry的句子的主詞雖然是she,后面還是she should have而不是she should has。
2. 由于這句的main clause的動(dòng)詞是present perfect tense(has sold),所以dependent clause的動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該用present tense(buy)。相反,如果main clause采取past perfect(had sold),那么dependent clause的動(dòng)詞就應(yīng)該變成past tense(bought)了。