今天要講的三個習慣用語正巧分別有one, two, three這三個數(shù)詞,而且都和浪漫情調(diào)有點關(guān)聯(lián)。它們時常被用來描述男女間的戀愛關(guān)系。
1. one and only 愛人,情人,心上人
不論男女都可以用one and only來指自己的意中人,也就是你正式選定的情人。這一習慣用語沿用至今有一百來年了。
例句-1:It's about time. Bill and Mary have gone together all through high school and college. For several years they've been each other's one and only. He never looked at another girl and she never went out with another guy.
2. two-timer 愛情不專一的人;騙子
Timer原來可以指按時計算報酬的工作人員,但是用在兒女私情上就不是那個意思了。Two-timer跟有忠誠不二的含義的one and only可說是恰恰相反。Two-timer指的是那種腳踩兩只船的人。這種人三心二意同時交兩個異性朋友,而且把兩邊都蒙在鼓里,騙得那兩個人都相信自己是他/她的one and only。
例句-2:My friend Pete is a lonely man these days. He'd been going with Sally for a long time, and she thought he was serious about her. Then he started going with Pauline too, and both found out. There was a big fuss, and neither one wants to see the two-timer again.
3. three bricks short of a load 腦子缺根弦
Brick是磚頭,大家一定知道short of這個短語的意思是缺少什么,而load是負載量,可能是一車或者一馱,也可以是一擔、一船等等。
如今你不僅在校園里,還會在辦公地點聽到人們用three bricks short of a load來談?wù)撃信畱賽坳P(guān)系。這一習慣用語的意思就是腦子里少了根弦,智力不夠發(fā)達。
例句-3:Elmer isn't bad-looking; he's polite, well-dressed - a nice guy. But Jenny says his trouble is that he's three bricks short of a load; he's not smart at all and barely passes his schoolwork, so she just isn't interested in going out with him.