Because the answers to these ten questions will help you discover the very best in yourself…這十個問題的答案能讓你發(fā)現(xiàn)最好的自己。
1. What would make you proud of yourself?什么會讓你為自己感到驕傲?
When you follow your heart and intuition, people won’t always agree with you. When you find something that makes you happy, not everyone will be happy for you. When you show unwavering kindness to others, some people will question your motives. When you are honest to the core, some folks will attempt to use your honesty against you. 當你跟隨著自己的心和直覺時,大家有可能不會支持你。當你如果找到了讓自己開心的事,不是每個人都會為你開心。向別人坦率示好,也許回報的只是別人對你動機的猜疑。對別人真誠,反而這份誠實會被利用。
Don’t let any of these people stop you from doing these things. These people don’t matter. In the end, what does matter is how you feel about yourself and the life you have led. You will ask yourself one question: “Am I proud of how I lived?” Make the answer: “Yes!” 別讓任何人阻止你干這些事。那些都是無關(guān)緊要的人,最終真正重要的是你對自己和生活的感覺。你可以問自己一個問題:“我對現(xiàn)在的生活滿意嗎?” 答案必須是:“當然滿意!”
2. How can you make a positive difference? 如何進行積極的轉(zhuǎn)變?
Even when it seems like a hopeless effort, do the right thing. Always live firmly by the forces of love and truth. Keep injecting your goodness into the world, one small act at a time. It’s these small acts of goodness stacked together that eventually change the world. You may never see the full result of your positive actions, but they will be accounted for and realized in time. If you do nothing, there will be no result – no positive change ever. 即使看起來是無用功,但也要做正確的事情。永遠善待周圍的世界,一次做一件小事。正是這一件件小的善事最終改變了我們的世界。也許你無法看到這些善舉帶來的最終成果,但相信一定會有回報。如果你什么也不做,也就沒有任何結(jié)果,你看不到任何積極的轉(zhuǎn)變。
3. What are you trying to accomplish and why?你的目標是什么?為什么?
Know the answer to this simple question and remind yourself of it every single day. You must identify, without any doubt, the specific reason you do the work you do. Success can only occur when there is a target and a reason to hit it.這個問題很簡單,不妨每天提醒一下自己。你必須毫不猶豫的知道做這些事的原因。有了目標和背后的原因,成功才會發(fā)生。
When you have a reason to do something, you have a legitimate purpose behind your efforts. When you connect this reason to a desired result, you’re able to summon the discipline and persistence necessary to get the job done. Give yourself a good reason and you will find a way to succeed. 一旦做什么事有了一定的原因,那么你的努力都有了方向感。把這個原因和想要的結(jié)果緊緊聯(lián)系在一起,你就能做到自律和堅持,用心完成任務(wù)。給自己一個好的理由,就能找到通往成功的道路。
4. What are the roadblocks standing in your way?道路上的阻礙是什么?
A roadblock is only a roadblock if you don’t know about it. If you know about it, it’s just a challenge. Look around and evaluate the challenges you face; within them lie the opportunities to make lasting progress. You are in the best position to make the most of these opportunities, because you know exactly where you are, where you want to go, and what resources you have at your disposal.如果你不知道,那么障礙僅是個障礙而已。如果你知道了它的存在,那么這就是個挑戰(zhàn)??纯粗車阏诿媾R的挑戰(zhàn),評估一下,這里是不是有能讓你持續(xù)進步的機遇。畢竟你知道自己的位置、想去的地方以及手上現(xiàn)有的資源。
Remember that the roughest roads often lead to the top, and the best way to get over a roadblock is to go through it. Thus, you must run toward your challenges with all your might, because the easiest way through them is to trample them beneath your feet. You have what it takes right now. You know what you must do and you know why. Step confidently into your challenges until you reach the road on the other side.要記住最艱難的路往往是通往成功的,走過路障最好的辦法就是直接跨過。你必須用盡全力面對這些挑戰(zhàn),因為想要戰(zhàn)勝他們,最簡單的辦法就是把它們踩在自己的腳下。你知道現(xiàn)在該付出什么。也知道自己該做什么,以及為什么做這些。你要自信的走過這些挑戰(zhàn),直到到達彼岸。
5. What’s the next step?你的下一步是什么?
Remember, you will never make a bigger mistake than sitting back and doing nothing simply because you can only do a little. So go head and start small. Take a small step, and if you can’t take a small step, take a tiny one. Do what you can with the resources you have right now. Get yourself moving in a positive, productive direction.記住,只在那坐著什么都不干才是最大的錯誤,因為你根本沒有付出。所以開始行動,從小事做起吧。邁出一小步,即使無法邁出一小步,也邁出細微的一步。用現(xiàn)在擁有的一切資源來行動,讓自己朝著積極有效的方向出發(fā)。
The best thing about big success is that it comes one step at a time. A flash of success, no matter how small, creates the momentum necessary to create even more success. Every positive step forward puts you in position to take the next one.關(guān)于成功最好的事情莫過于它一次會往前邁進一步。一次成功,無論多小,都為更多的成功創(chuàng)造了無盡的可能。每個積極的前進都能讓你離成功更進一步。
6. What are your flaws and faults?你的缺點和不足是什么?
You will never be flawless. You will never be faultless. Acknowledge your flaws and faults and accept them. Let the difference between your flaws and the flaws of others be that you have accepted their existence and moved past them, while others are hopelessly trying to hide them. Let the difference between your faults and the faults of others be that you have addressed them and learned from them, while others are still living in denial.人無完人,你不可能不犯錯。了解自己的缺點和不足,要接受自己和別人缺點的存在,然后坦然面對,盡管別人有可能努力地隱藏這些缺點;要從自己和別人的缺點中學到些什么,即使別人仍然活在抵制的情緒里。
Don’t fall victim to fabricated illusions. Don’t hide from reality. Face your deficiencies and use them to bask in the glory of your personal growth.別成為幻想的犧牲品,別逃避現(xiàn)實。正視自己的不足,讓它們沐浴在成長過程中的光芒下。
7. What issues do you need to resolve with yourself?如何學會獨處?
When you feel lonely you look around for someone to fill the void in your life. You assume that your loneliness stems exclusively from being alone. But once you find company, it doesn’t take long before you realize that there’s still a void in your life. You still feel lonely and unfulfilled, so you blame it on your company and you move on to someone else… and then someone else. This cycle perpetuates for months, or even years, until you are eventually ready to face the truth.感到孤獨的時候總會找人來填補這份空白。你以為這份孤獨來自于一個人的孤單,但一旦找到了同伴,似乎生活的空白還在那,你仍然覺得孤獨不滿足。你把這些歸結(jié)在自己的同伴身上,然后抽身去尋找下一個......再下一個。這樣的循環(huán)會持續(xù)幾個月甚至幾年,直到你自己真正面對了事實。
The truth is, a partner, or even just a friend, can add lots of beauty to your life, but they can’t fill a void that exists within you. You alone are responsible for you own fulfillment. If you feel desperately lonely when you’re alone, it means you’re in bad company. It means you need to work on your relationship with yourself first. To believe otherwise is to delude your mind and perpetuate your loneliness as you hop from one failed relationship to the next.事實就是,生活中的伴侶或只是朋友,只能為你的生活添加色彩,卻無法填補你生活中的空白。你自己要對填補空缺負責。當一個人的時候,如果你覺得極度空虛,就說明你自己本身就很糟糕,意味著你需要從自己開始好好架構(gòu)一下人際關(guān)系。否則,你只會不斷的從一段失敗的關(guān)系跳到另外一段,可是空虛寂寞呢,還會一直存在著。
8. How are you burdening yourself?自己該如何負擔?
If you feel like your back is breaking from the weight your mind is carrying, perhaps it’s time to lighten the load you carry. There are many burdens you can easily let go of if you’re willing.如果你覺得后背快支持不住自己的大腦了,那是時候減輕一下自己的壓力重擔了。只要你愿意,下面這些是你可以輕易擺脫的負擔。
Start by leaving your worries behind you; worries only fill your mind with negativity. Instead take constructive action – get involved in something worthwhile that takes your mind off of things. Grudges and resentments simply suck energy and time away from you without any positive return. Once you’ve gotten this far, it’s time to stop pretending like you know everything. And before you wrap things up, let go of your impatience. Two of the most vital virtues of your personal growth will be your patience to wait for the right moment and your courage to make the best of it.別再讓擔憂困擾著你,擔心只會讓思緒消極下去。不妨來點有建設(shè)性的行動:做那些真正值得的事情,可以把腦海中的消極情緒趕出去。怨恨只會耗費精力時間,不會給你帶來任何好處。一旦丟掉了怨恨,接下來就不要再裝著自己懂得任何事情啦。處理事情之前別不耐煩。成長過程中最重要的兩大財富,莫過于等到合適時機的耐心以及好好利用時機的勇氣。
As you can see, dropping burdensome negativity from your life is fairly easy once you realize how much of it you’re carrying around with you. Do yourself a favor today and lighten your load.看吧,只要你意識到到底負擔了些什么,丟到這些生活中消極的包袱是如此簡單。現(xiàn)在就丟掉這些包袱輕裝上路吧。
9. How have you celebrated your progress lately?最近你是如何慶祝自己的進步的?
Focus on the progress you’ve made, on the next positive step, on the silver lining between where you once were, where you are now, and where you’re headed. Do not think of yesterday’s failures, but of the success that is possible today.關(guān)心你的一切進步,下個積極步伐,過去和現(xiàn)在自己之間的差距以及目的地。別再想過去的失敗了,成功只會在今天發(fā)生。
Be proud of yourself. The fact that you’re trying is immensely impressive. You have conquered complacency. You are crushing your fears with every new effort you put forth. You aren’t where you want to be yet, but you’re making progress. Step by step will get you there. Even if you feel like you’re running in place, you aren’t. No effort that you make to attain something worthwhile is ever lost. It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t give up.為自己驕傲。你正在做的事讓人印象深刻,你已經(jīng)有了滿足感。每次新的付出都是對自己恐懼的最好反擊。雖然沒有到達目標,但你在不斷進步著。一步一步的邁進成功。即使你覺得走錯了軌道,其實沒有。如果不付出努力,那些值得的事情也只會與你失之交臂。只要不放棄,進步再怎么緩慢都沒有關(guān)系。
10. What do you love about your life?你愛生活的哪些地方?
Life is a series of highs and lows. There will be times when bad things happen. When these times strike, it’s important to keep things in perspective. How you respond to life’s inevitable difficulties defines the strength and growth of your character, as well as the quality of your life. The idea that you are a victim of any particular circumstance is simply inaccurate.生活充滿了高潮和低谷??傆行r候壞事接踵而來。到了此刻,多方位的看待問題非常重要。如何對生活中不可避免的困難進行回應(yīng)也反映出你的人格魅力和成長以及你的生活質(zhì)量。那種覺得自己人生充滿悲劇的想法,真的是錯誤的哦。
The fleeting ups and downs that occur on a daily basis are tiny threads in the overall fabric of your life. Each one adds to your personal growth. The quality of your life is ultimately your choice. You can choose to be immobilized by the gravity of your disappointments, or you can choose to rise from the suffering and treasure the most precious gift you have – life itself.日常生活里的高低起伏在生活的長河里不過是小風小浪罷了,每個都能促進你的成長。生活的質(zhì)量最終來自于你的選擇。你可以選擇被這些失望打敗,抑或選擇從這些困難中崛起。畢竟這些都是生活本身帶給你的最寶貴的財富。